I have worked in retail for 3 years and from watching female customers I have noticed some women who lack in shopping confidence. Some women struggle to shop by themselves because they do not know what will suit them or they just dislike the whole shopping experience. Personally I love shopping and even going into shops and trying on different clothes excites me however I am a shopping addict... Here are some tips that I find help when shopping in high street shops:
1. To know what suits you and not being afraid to try something new.
There are always new trends so don't be afraid to try on something a bit different. Step out of your comfort zone. If it doesn't suit you then move on to the next item. No big deal. Don't stress if an item doesn't suit you. Getting an item of clothing that suits you is all down to trial and error.
2. To get another person's honest opinion.
This does not mean asking the sales assistant! Because someone you don't know may not be honest with you and a sales assistant is trying to sell the clothes. At work I'm usually honest and if something doesn't suit a customer I will either suggest an alternative item or possibly a different size. Be honest in the nicest way possible. Ideally when shopping you should bring a friend or relative who is honest and is there to encourage you. Shopping is meant to be a fun experience, not a chore.
3. Be selective when picking up items for the fitting room
Do not bring in 11+ items to the fitting room. The amount of times I see women with arms full of clothing and then they don't end up buying anything is ridiculous. Not only will this piss off the sales assistant but it won't get you anywhere. I find the women who take in 3 or 4 items are more likely to leave the shop with more items. If you pick up 11+ items you are not really taking in to consideration what you are trying on. You have just grabbed loads of items and dashed to the fitting room. You should try on items that you are automatically drawn to; whether that be the colour, print or style. Also consider what you have at home and what it will go with. There is no point in buying an item that won't go with anything in your wardrobe. So be selective!
4. If it looks good then buy it!
Often a dress will look amazing on a woman but sometimes she will decide not to buy it. I always think "Why didn't you buy that dress?! It looked amazing" but before you know it they are out of the shop. I get really confused and can't understand why you wouldn't treat yourself if an item made you look like a million dollars. For some women it is probably down to the garment's cost which is understandable. For other women it's because it is outside their comfort zone. Sometimes it's okay to take a risk.
5. Buy clothes that make you feel confident and comfortable in your own skin.
I always encourage women to buy what makes them feel confident and comfortable. There is no point in wasting your money on an item you are not 100% in love with. That is just a waist of money. Also you will then later regret it when you see an item you love and can not afford.
6. Dress for your shape
Working in a retail shop I see all different shapes and sizes going into the fitting room. I have an hourglass shape so I tend to go for waisted garments like skater dresses or peplum tops because they accentuate my waist. I also have a big bust area and I don't always want to highlight this so I will wear more blousy tops. If an item is too tight around the bust I will go the next size up. There is no shame in going up a size in clothing. I know a lot of women who will refuse to get the next size up when they clearly need to. You should buy something that shows off your figure and makes your body look good. No one will see the size number but if you've got an item clinging in the wrong places then they will see that...
Anyways what I am trying to get across is to enjoy shopping and not to see it as a terrifying experience. Women stress to much about this and I think this has become a really big issue. We should encourage women to wear what they want and to feel good about themselves.
If you found this post interesting please leave a comment below and let me know your opinion. I may go into detail in another post about dressing for your shape. If this is something you would be interested in then please let me know :)
As Seen On Sophie